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Saving the Middle Class

Updated on May 13, 2013

This was filmed AFTER I wrote this. Fitting

Saving the Middle Class.

It is all about us!

It is "Not" about you!

It is "Not" about me!

When we look at the global economic state, it is clearly in a bit of a mess. ( Is Aug. 2: the day of debt reckoning? ) It is also clear that there is little, if any, difference between big business and big government. The same people call the shots in both. Unfortunately they don't call the shots in favor of the majority.

The system we have on a global basis has the true priorities mixed up. Those in power politically and economically, falsely believe that they are the ones of greatest importance to the whole. They believe that money and political power are the ways to make change for the better happen.

(Middle class as I define them are families that can afford two good vehicles, help their children through education, help their children get their first home and also take a holiday a year while saving for their own retirement. To place an income level to the term middle class is impossible because the cost of living varies too greatly from one location to the next.)

In reality, it is the middle class that supplies the bulk of the work force and the bulk of the money. It is not those in power politically, nor is it those in power economically that creates change for the good. It is not even union leaders who make a difference. It is the skilled and or educated middle class. It is the worker! Remember, it is not about me, nor about you. It is about “us.”

Foolishly we in the middle class invest in stocks in companies that use our money as if it is theirs. They spend foolishly and move our money away from the countries and neighborhoods where we live. Think about it, when investing in those stocks and companies we are informed that our own life style and net worth will improve. How can that be true if they take our hard earned money and move it away from our neighborhood and even away from our country?

We need change from the bottom up not the top down. We need to re-ignite a community spirit of cooperation and hope like the pioneers had. This is not a change in government policy; rather it is a change in grass roots attitude. We need an attitude that will help us fight to maintain a middle class. Is that not what the two world wars were really about? Providing a place where one could have a life of freedom, with the ability to pursue happiness. That to me is what “Middle Class” really is about.

We need to invest both time and money in our own neighborhoods to maintain the quality of life we have (had). Let’s face it, “it is our own sweat and money that is responsible for creating the middle class in the first place.” It is not the actions of the financial wizards, nor is it the policies of government leaders who have created the life style of the middle class. It is the skilled and or educated workers who toil, save and therefore make things happen.

In following the principles found in a book by Malcom Gladwell called "The Tipping Point" an epidemic of positive change can be created. (If you have not read the book, I encourage you to do so.)

In the book, one of the many examples of the "Tipping point" of change took place in a crime filled neighborhood. Graffiti was everywhere so they went in to a program of cleaning it up. Everything was washed and painted even the streetcars. Every day crews went out and cleaned up all that was written the night before. Then all of a sudden there was a tipping point and no more new graffiti was written while at the same instant, crime dropped and the neighborhood became happy and clean.

The global economic situation will change for the positive when we develop a change in attitude and take responsibility more personal. We can do this by developing an attitude similar to the attitude the Pioneers had. We need a fresh attitude of working together and cooperation. The work bees of the early North American settlers can be done today, albeit in a modern or different fashion.

As I said in my hub Middle Class To Zero - "We need to stop making such a huge deal about manufacturing "things" and we have to start making a big deal about building character. Build a new man from the inside out. No longer running from who we are inside."

I wrote an article that gives one example of how a work bee for today’s world can be created. It will take a team approach to understanding the long term and deep effect a simple idea can have, then sharing it with others to create the "Tipping Point" to make it happen.

I need your help, please read my article “Pioneering The Next Economy.” Try to understand the underlying value it could bring. First, an attitude change backed up with some action that will better one community. Then spreading from community to community to cover the globe. Eventually creating more and more people, globally, living the middle class life style.

If you agree, after you read these articles, share them with everyone you know. Upload the article link to your Facebook page, Linked In, Twitter or any online community or safe list you belong to. Pass them around in a spirit of group cooperation.

Together we can create a global "Tipping Point."

Now read, “Pioneering the next economy.” In that article I share one small example of how the Pioneer spirit of working together can create a work bee that fits today’s world. Create a work bee for today’s world, with people working together to make a difference.

Neil Sperling

Home Office: 519-583-2721

Green Energy Lighting Solution

the Joys Sing "Keep Tryin To Try"


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